
Pensamiento WOA®

“No existe un método exacto para ganarle al azar, porque el azar es la expresión más concreta del poder inalcanzable de Dios”. Aless Wo

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Los mejores libros para ganar el baloto, la loteria y el chance

A lo largo de estos años de estudios y analisis para determinar los mejores mecanismos y metodologias para apostarle al baloto (o sus primos en otras tierras como la tinka, el quini, la megasena, el gordo, la primitiva, o los lottos), he acumulado una interesante biblioteca que queria compartir con ustedes.

Aquellos que les interese comprarlos la mayoria estan disponibles en y pueden acceder a ellos via el link que hay a la derecha de cada pagina en waloto, esta a la derecha en un banner que se llama libros waloto, yo se que hay muchos de los miembros de waloto en el extranjero y en Colombia que estan acostumbrados a comprar via internet.

Les presento la lista en orden de calidad desde el punto de vista de la seriedad metodologica o de sus aportes novedosos.

Si les interesa alguno de los libros le pido que lo hojeen a través del link que hay en el banner a su derecha en esta misma pagina que dice "Libros waloto" o darle click directamente al titulo del libro..

How to Win More: Strategies for Increasing a Lottery Win

1. How to Win More: Strategies for Increasing a Lottery Win by Norbert Henze
The list author says:

"El mejor libro sobre loterias que hay publicado hasta hoy"

The Basics of Winning Lotto/Lottery

2. The Basics of Winning Lotto/Lottery by Prof Jones
The list author says:

"Muy basico, pero ayuda."

Take advantage of my UNIQUE method to Win on the Lottery/Lotto

3. Take advantage of my UNIQUE method to Win on the Lottery/Lotto by Imdad
The list author says:

"Primero en español, habla de la ley del pendulo."

Easy Dollars: at the Pick 3 - Pick 4 Daily Lotto

4. Easy Dollars: at the Pick 3 - Pick 4 Daily Lotto by Isaac E. Nwokogba
The list author says:

"Para apostar al chance (pick 3), serio enfoque."

Lottery Master Guide

5. Lottery Master Guide by Gail Howard
The list author says:

"Un clasico, deberia tenerlo en su biblioteca."

Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune 2007

6. Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune 2007 by Gail Howard
The list author says:

"Util si no consigue el libro "Combinatorial Lottery Systems ""

The Only Way to Win at Lotto

7. The Only Way to Win at Lotto by Ruben Citores
The list author says:

"Lo mejor despues de Gail Howard"

Winning Lotto / Lottery For Everyday Players, 3rd Edition

8. Winning Lotto / Lottery For Everyday Players, 3rd Edition by Prof Jones
The list author says:

"Para empezar a aprender a apostar inteligentemente."

The Mathematics of Lottery: Odds, Combinations, Systems

9. The Mathematics of Lottery: Odds, Combinations, Systems by Catalin Barboianu
The list author says:

"la base matematica del juego, muy bueno!!!"

Combinatorial Lottery Systems (Wheels) with Guaranteed Wins

10. Combinatorial Lottery Systems (Wheels) with Guaranteed Wins by Iliya Bluskov
The list author says:

"Lo mejor en ruedas o reducciones!!!La unica forma de ganar seguro, lo
mejor en combinaciones."

Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune, Third Edition

11. Lotto How to Wheel a Fortune, Third Edition by Gail Howard
The list author says:

"Util si no consigue el libro "Combinatorial Lottery Systems ""

New Millennium Lotto Strategy: Breakthrough discovery that will completely change Lotto gaming philosophy

12. New Millennium Lotto Strategy: Breakthrough discovery that will completely change Lotto gaming philosophy by Slavko Rodic
The list author says:

"Nada nuevo que no esté en los anteriores."

Lottery Book: The Truth Behind the Numbers

13. Lottery Book: The Truth Behind the Numbers by Don Catlin
The list author says:

"Conceptualmente el segundo mejor libro sobre apostar al lotto."

Lottery Winning Systems

14. Lottery Winning Systems by Gail Howard
The list author says:

"Un clasico, pero no el mejor en combinaciones"

Winning The Lottery In Your Spare Time: (With Very Little Money)

15. Winning The Lottery In Your Spare Time: (With Very Little Money) by C. F. Keller
The list author says:

"mas bien cercano al secreto, interesante..."

Combinatorial Lottery Systems (Wheels) With Guaranteed Wins

16. Combinatorial Lottery Systems (Wheels) With Guaranteed Wins by Iliya Bluskov
The list author says:

"Aproveche esta edición, la otra vale 150 USD"

Exploit the Lottery and Win: A Step-By-Step Analysis

17. Exploit the Lottery and Win: A Step-By-Step Analysis by John Zenman
The list author says:

"Confuso pero diferente aproximación."

The Lottery Solution, Revised Edition

18. The Lottery Solution, Revised Edition by William L. Atwood
The list author says:

"Excelente enfoque parecido a NASA"

Lottery Numbers

19. Lottery Numbers by Harry Schneider
The list author says:

"Las mejores zonas secretas para apostar"

Cash In On The Lottery: The Secrets Of Picking Winning Lottery Numbers & Hitting The Jackpot

20. Cash In On The Lottery: The Secrets Of Picking Winning Lottery Numbers & Hitting The Jackpot by Christine Carl
The list author says:

"Libro para Kindle"

Saving for Retirement without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery

21. Saving for Retirement without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery by Gail MarksJarvis
The list author says:

"Ahorrando de a poco tambien se hace rico!!"

On Winning the Lottery

22. On Winning the Lottery by Maureen D. Baldwin
The list author says:

"Algunos tips, nada especial"

Pick Your Lucky Numbers: Easy Ways to Play the Lottery

23. Pick Your Lucky Numbers: Easy Ways to Play the Lottery by Consumer Guide editors
The list author says:

"Muy regular"

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  1. si alguien los tiene en digital me los puede enviar al correo
